Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I got up this morning when my alarm does what it does best at 4am! SNOOZZEEEE I got up and walked to the bathroom and when I came back out... I almost tilt over... Then my back and legs felt like I was just in a bad fight or something! I thought to myself... Alana you are in bad shape....and there aint NO way I'm jogging/walking/running no where right about now. I went back in bed!

It's around 3pm and I am not feeling a little better... diffidently sore...but, I have to do my afternoon BRISK 4.5 mph walk that I did yesterday. I'll make sure I stretch really well so I wont feel like this tomorrow am.

I need to also go out and get me some vitamins... yeah i think i'll make that happen on my next trip to Wegmans!

I won't stop and I'll never give up!

*Pic of me in 1996 at my grandmother house... I would love to look like this again

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