Sunday, July 22, 2012

First Run w/ Raven

Raven is my exercise partner... She has tons of energy and loves to be outside! It's hard for me to keep with with this 8 pound now 7mo. old American Cocker Spaniel!

Today we went out after my lunch and jogged/ran/ and fast pace walking! Since this was our first time... We paced ourselves but I think I wore her out just as much as she wore me out!

So now that I've moved from my house out in Southern Maryland back to my condo ... There are a lot more steps than I remember #ugh! I guess these steps will be my best friend aside from Raven of course.

Today's activities
NOTE: you'll have to follow me on my fitness pal to see daily updates I won't dare bore you on here with that!

Raven and I jogged for 15mins off and in... Then walked ... And jogged /ran for another 15! I then came inside and did my 10 Zumba routine and now I'm sweating like a horse!

We are tired!!!

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