Sunday, July 22, 2012

Alvin's Help - Amazing

Ok.. I've asked everyone on FB to help me with this journey... I am actaully not going to wait til August first for the exercise part .....because there are many things that I NOW see that I can do now. Alvin Lowe (Photographer the Magniciant) has shared some great TIPS! - Waiting on his book release :-) Thanks Alvin

Alvin Lowe ‎- drink organic green tea ...straight from the Nestea or anything bought from a vending machine, but straight brewed or steeped (a natural metabolism booster)

- if u have steps in your house, run up and down those steps first thing n the morning. Do it until u get tired, rest for for a minute, then go at it this about 4 times. Be sure you warm up first ("jog" up and down the steps for about 2 minutes or so to loosen up, then stretch very good...THEN get started)

- eat SMALLER meals, MORE often throughout the day.
This mean 5 - 6 meals per day. If you plan to take in about 1400 calories per day, for example, you need to divide that by 5-6 in order to know how many calories each meal should be.
A typical plan would be like --> breakfast, healthy snack, lunch, healthy snack, dinner, light snack (maybe).
The key here is to keep your body adequately fed - NOT overly fed - so that it learns that it doesn't need to hold on to excess energy (stored as fat) until the next meal 6 hours later. You want to eat every 3+/- hours, so your meals will be small enough to whereas this makes sense. You DON'T want to starve yourself, as this will only cause your body to go into survival mode and burn LESS energy because it doesn't know when you're gonna eat again. You know your making this mistake when you are often VERY hungry in between meals. You know your doing it right when you are able to eat something simple when you start to get a little hungry, and it satisfies you for the next 2-3 hours. This is how you speed up your metabolism through your diet. Exercise is the other way.

- Check out Larabars, Luna Bars, and KIND bars (all at Wegmans, MOMs, and some at Giant). These are really good for the snacks in between meals, and they're organic and "yummy".

- FAGE Greek yogurt (I use 0%) + cinnamon + spinkled granola is an EXCELLENT breakfast. High protein, low carbs.

Note: pay attention to foods' glycemic index. Foods that make your blood glucose level spike hard will cause you to retain fat (insulin shuts off fat metabolism, which means you're storing fat.) So you know you want food with a low or moderate Glycemix rating. You know you ate wrong when you get the ITIS - which happens when your insulin is triggered and your now-spiked blood sugar plummets down low, causing you to feel sleepy. Google the Glycemic Index and see where different foods fall. :-)

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