Monday, July 23, 2012

My 4am Run

I was super excited to head out the house and try out my new NIKE Running app! This app is amazing! I only ran .25 miles LOL more miles than I ran yesterday so that's a start! I got up early (4:00am) had to setup the app...grab Raven and we were out the door!

Every morning prior to this morning... my dog is so well trained that she doesn't even need leash... she'll go out .. do her business and run back up the steps.. (I would never go all the way down)...but, this morning with no leash Raven and I head out...and my poor pup was so confused as to why we were still outside? So I start my app and start running.. Raven right behind me... then I don't hear her anymore... "Raven... Raven" ? She is jet black and it was already dark I decided to run back... and I find her standing at the top of the step at the wrong building... waiting to go back inside... *geesh* ... I said "Come on girl.. let's run" so... i start running again... then turn and NO RAVEN! I was like 'you know what??' lol.... your little butt will not be running with me in the am... LOL

So there goes my reason for only running .25miles. I will admit I was very tired... chasing her and trying to keep my pace but, I know I could have ran a mile this morning if she wasn't trying to go back inside.

Day 2! Let's go!

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