Friday, July 27, 2012

Down... But not for long...

Having a down morning... Sometimes I wish I could just snap my fingers or blink hard enough so that all this physical ugliness can just go away! I know my heart... I am a beautiful woman inside and on some good days on the outside too. But it's not enough... I am tired of looking and feeling the way I do! It's so hard but I am so determined to make a change!

I want to be happy and confident in me no matter what anyone says... "you look great.. Or my fiancé will call me sexy" I want to actually feel like that... And it not just be some words am hearing!

I just feel blah... And down.... But not for long... It's just time for me to stop playing around its not a game any more.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Great Work out day

Today I burned 565 calories by walking and doing this Nike Circut training for 30mins!! I didn't think I could push through but I'll force myself every night!!! I also walked for 20mins today!!!

Now my food needs help.. I almost went all my daily calorie intake but, this work helped me out with burning my lunch and dinner! :-)

Healthy looking diva in her wedding dress here I come!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I got up this morning when my alarm does what it does best at 4am! SNOOZZEEEE I got up and walked to the bathroom and when I came back out... I almost tilt over... Then my back and legs felt like I was just in a bad fight or something! I thought to myself... Alana you are in bad shape....and there aint NO way I'm jogging/walking/running no where right about now. I went back in bed!

It's around 3pm and I am not feeling a little better... diffidently sore...but, I have to do my afternoon BRISK 4.5 mph walk that I did yesterday. I'll make sure I stretch really well so I wont feel like this tomorrow am.

I need to also go out and get me some vitamins... yeah i think i'll make that happen on my next trip to Wegmans!

I won't stop and I'll never give up!

*Pic of me in 1996 at my grandmother house... I would love to look like this again

Monday, July 23, 2012

My 4am Run

I was super excited to head out the house and try out my new NIKE Running app! This app is amazing! I only ran .25 miles LOL more miles than I ran yesterday so that's a start! I got up early (4:00am) had to setup the app...grab Raven and we were out the door!

Every morning prior to this morning... my dog is so well trained that she doesn't even need leash... she'll go out .. do her business and run back up the steps.. (I would never go all the way down)...but, this morning with no leash Raven and I head out...and my poor pup was so confused as to why we were still outside? So I start my app and start running.. Raven right behind me... then I don't hear her anymore... "Raven... Raven" ? She is jet black and it was already dark I decided to run back... and I find her standing at the top of the step at the wrong building... waiting to go back inside... *geesh* ... I said "Come on girl.. let's run" so... i start running again... then turn and NO RAVEN! I was like 'you know what??' lol.... your little butt will not be running with me in the am... LOL

So there goes my reason for only running .25miles. I will admit I was very tired... chasing her and trying to keep my pace but, I know I could have ran a mile this morning if she wasn't trying to go back inside.

Day 2! Let's go!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

First Run w/ Raven

Raven is my exercise partner... She has tons of energy and loves to be outside! It's hard for me to keep with with this 8 pound now 7mo. old American Cocker Spaniel!

Today we went out after my lunch and jogged/ran/ and fast pace walking! Since this was our first time... We paced ourselves but I think I wore her out just as much as she wore me out!

So now that I've moved from my house out in Southern Maryland back to my condo ... There are a lot more steps than I remember #ugh! I guess these steps will be my best friend aside from Raven of course.

Today's activities
NOTE: you'll have to follow me on my fitness pal to see daily updates I won't dare bore you on here with that!

Raven and I jogged for 15mins off and in... Then walked ... And jogged /ran for another 15! I then came inside and did my 10 Zumba routine and now I'm sweating like a horse!

We are tired!!!

Great Website Resources

My dear friend Tina suggested this great link.. I feel like I need a printer and to create my own book

Weight-Loss Tools and Tips

We can do this!

A new start

Alvin's Help - Amazing

Ok.. I've asked everyone on FB to help me with this journey... I am actaully not going to wait til August first for the exercise part .....because there are many things that I NOW see that I can do now. Alvin Lowe (Photographer the Magniciant) has shared some great TIPS! - Waiting on his book release :-) Thanks Alvin

Alvin Lowe ‎- drink organic green tea ...straight from the Nestea or anything bought from a vending machine, but straight brewed or steeped (a natural metabolism booster)

- if u have steps in your house, run up and down those steps first thing n the morning. Do it until u get tired, rest for for a minute, then go at it this about 4 times. Be sure you warm up first ("jog" up and down the steps for about 2 minutes or so to loosen up, then stretch very good...THEN get started)

- eat SMALLER meals, MORE often throughout the day.
This mean 5 - 6 meals per day. If you plan to take in about 1400 calories per day, for example, you need to divide that by 5-6 in order to know how many calories each meal should be.
A typical plan would be like --> breakfast, healthy snack, lunch, healthy snack, dinner, light snack (maybe).
The key here is to keep your body adequately fed - NOT overly fed - so that it learns that it doesn't need to hold on to excess energy (stored as fat) until the next meal 6 hours later. You want to eat every 3+/- hours, so your meals will be small enough to whereas this makes sense. You DON'T want to starve yourself, as this will only cause your body to go into survival mode and burn LESS energy because it doesn't know when you're gonna eat again. You know your making this mistake when you are often VERY hungry in between meals. You know your doing it right when you are able to eat something simple when you start to get a little hungry, and it satisfies you for the next 2-3 hours. This is how you speed up your metabolism through your diet. Exercise is the other way.

- Check out Larabars, Luna Bars, and KIND bars (all at Wegmans, MOMs, and some at Giant). These are really good for the snacks in between meals, and they're organic and "yummy".

- FAGE Greek yogurt (I use 0%) + cinnamon + spinkled granola is an EXCELLENT breakfast. High protein, low carbs.

Note: pay attention to foods' glycemic index. Foods that make your blood glucose level spike hard will cause you to retain fat (insulin shuts off fat metabolism, which means you're storing fat.) So you know you want food with a low or moderate Glycemix rating. You know you ate wrong when you get the ITIS - which happens when your insulin is triggered and your now-spiked blood sugar plummets down low, causing you to feel sleepy. Google the Glycemic Index and see where different foods fall. :-)

August 1st 2012

I am NOT going to make these blogs "wordy" i'll get straight to the point. Seeing all these amazing photos of people in my circle losing weight... it has MOTIVATED me more than I've ever been MOTIVATED.

August 1st, 2012 - (July 31st is pay day) - I will change my eating habits to better my life and my physical appearance. I will NOT cut out meat or even some starches...but, especially the starch will get cut out drastically. I would like to start "juicing" with a a combination of some great at home fitness tips to get my heart rate going... I've asked my FB family to give me some tips... I'll post what they've shared.

Wish me luck