Saturday, August 4, 2012

Walking these pounds off!

I've been walking with a dear office buddy everyday. I know by walking it's going to take sometime so I need to add something that will shock my body and get this weight loss moving!

I woke up this morning around my usual 4am time... There is something that I do that really need to stop doing.. And that is looking at other people's photos and wishing I could look like that! I have to remind myself that I am Alana ... Divinely made by God and perfect in his sight! I have to learn to be me... Be confident .... Be strong and not let anyone make me feel I am less than I am ...even me!!

Work out hard yes! Eat right of course and the pounds will drop! My fiancé tells me how much he loves me physically and mentally... And that is one thing I have to remind myself!

I will lose this weight but while I am doing it!!! I will do it with confidence and determination! And I could care less what anyone thinks!

It's starts now!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I've caught myself doing that too - looking at pictures, asking myselfa question that cannot be answered. Thank you for the reminder! I am me and I'm working on being a better me, no one else.
