Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Headaches...Headahces..and More Headaches


Thank you God in your holy name for this day... Lord you are my stregnth and I need you on this day. Father please do all that you can to physically release the pressure that is crushing my brain. My head is killing me your name I pray ...


So I have been for the past 72 hours been dealing with some serious headaches. I have been stressing over so many things.... and then stopped stressing and now I think my body is now catching up!

Working out.. has been amazing but, I think I was over doing it....
I need to maintain a steady pace without killing myself.

Just finished moving ...what a CHORE!!!!!!!!!

I finally MAY have some wedding plans settled...and ready to get this ball on the road.. (another long and never ending stresser) can't wait for this day to come! Can't wait


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