Friday, August 10, 2012


So I went to the doctor today and got the news I really didn't want BUT really needed to hear. My dear co-worker Della told me awhile back that I shouldn't wait til I HAVE to loose weight for something to be wrong with me.... BUT this time I didn't ... my honest motivation was my wedding day  and to get on the healthy eating bandwagon!

So what the blood pressure thingy said 145/93 is a hot skip and a jump from the BIG H...and the doctor confirmed that I HAVE to loose weight. She wants me to get under 200lbs! Ok.. so that shouldn't be hard right... it's not like im 250lbs (thank you Jesus!!)

But, I know for a fact that i'll have to hit the gym... put the Plantain chips down and pick up some great tips from a health master Ms. Claresta !! (She needs a blog so I can tag her). I am naturally thick but, I have lost a good amount of weight before...and I know I can do it again!

Wish me luck!!

 I was 135lbs in this pic... praying that I can get close!!


  1. Man, I know that feeling all too well. I have to watch out for that too because diabetes and a whole lotta other things that run in the family and I want to avoid them at all costs!,I really wish you the best in this journey and ensuring you get to your healthiest self.
    love, gabby

    1. Thanks Cuzzin... I have all that craziness on myside of the family too! So all this walking will have to increase to some Zumba/ Hard work outs

  2. You can do it! Just watch what you eat and keep moving!
