Monday, August 20, 2012

Birthday Blues

So I completely screwed up this weekend and my co-workers made me feel worst. I ate a TON this weekend to even where my stomach started to hurt.

I have no self control. I am determined to prove myself more than anything wrong...and to prove to everyone that at the age of 37 which is next year.. I will not have high blood pressure or diabetes!

Friday, August 10, 2012


So I went to the doctor today and got the news I really didn't want BUT really needed to hear. My dear co-worker Della told me awhile back that I shouldn't wait til I HAVE to loose weight for something to be wrong with me.... BUT this time I didn't ... my honest motivation was my wedding day  and to get on the healthy eating bandwagon!

So what the blood pressure thingy said 145/93 is a hot skip and a jump from the BIG H...and the doctor confirmed that I HAVE to loose weight. She wants me to get under 200lbs! Ok.. so that shouldn't be hard right... it's not like im 250lbs (thank you Jesus!!)

But, I know for a fact that i'll have to hit the gym... put the Plantain chips down and pick up some great tips from a health master Ms. Claresta !! (She needs a blog so I can tag her). I am naturally thick but, I have lost a good amount of weight before...and I know I can do it again!

Wish me luck!!

 I was 135lbs in this pic... praying that I can get close!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Headaches...Headahces..and More Headaches


Thank you God in your holy name for this day... Lord you are my stregnth and I need you on this day. Father please do all that you can to physically release the pressure that is crushing my brain. My head is killing me your name I pray ...


So I have been for the past 72 hours been dealing with some serious headaches. I have been stressing over so many things.... and then stopped stressing and now I think my body is now catching up!

Working out.. has been amazing but, I think I was over doing it....
I need to maintain a steady pace without killing myself.

Just finished moving ...what a CHORE!!!!!!!!!

I finally MAY have some wedding plans settled...and ready to get this ball on the road.. (another long and never ending stresser) can't wait for this day to come! Can't wait


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Walking these pounds off!

I've been walking with a dear office buddy everyday. I know by walking it's going to take sometime so I need to add something that will shock my body and get this weight loss moving!

I woke up this morning around my usual 4am time... There is something that I do that really need to stop doing.. And that is looking at other people's photos and wishing I could look like that! I have to remind myself that I am Alana ... Divinely made by God and perfect in his sight! I have to learn to be me... Be confident .... Be strong and not let anyone make me feel I am less than I am ...even me!!

Work out hard yes! Eat right of course and the pounds will drop! My fiancé tells me how much he loves me physically and mentally... And that is one thing I have to remind myself!

I will lose this weight but while I am doing it!!! I will do it with confidence and determination! And I could care less what anyone thinks!

It's starts now!